Maatian Middle Pillar

Focusing on your physical body, start by breathing through all the pores, imagining the infinite Aeons gathering at the top of the head and say: Hapocrat, collapse the long Aeons to the instant of now!
Move to the forehead, imagining the planetary essence, the awareness of Gaia merging with yours while you breathe through the whole body. Say: Maat, compress our great planet to the essence of Gaia!
Move to the throat center and breathe through the whole body, simply vitalizing and enlivening the area.
Move to the heart, and breathe through the whole body, imagining all the winds in the universe compressing in the heart center. Say: Horus, contain the wild winds by your art of the air!
Move to the solar plexus imagining the force of all fires gathering there and breathing through the whole body. Say: Osiris! Summon all flame to the force of your fire.
Move your awareness to the bladder, imagining that all the waters of the world reunite there while you breathe through your whole body. Say: Isis! Gather the waters in the hollow of your hands!
Move your awareness to the bottom of your spine, imagining infinite space compressing there while you breathe through all the pores. Say: Bes! Draw close the boundaries of infinite space to be a small sphere in the here of this place!
Focus on your throat and vibrate the mantra Abrahadabra 11 times, so that it is heard as Abrahadabra(1)hadabra(2)hadabra(3)hadabra(4)hadabra(5)hadabra(6)hadabra(7)hadabra(8)hadabra(9)hadabra(10)hadabra(11)hadabra. As you do so, start shifting into the Ka.

Focusing on your astral body, start by breathing through the top of your astral head specifically, while you visualize a black flame burning in the area. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move to the forehead, imagine a black flame burning in the area and breathe through it. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move to the throat, imagine a black flame burning in the area and breathe through it. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move to the center of the chest, imagine a black flame burning in the area and breathe through it. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move to the solar plexus, imagine a black flame burning in the area and breathe through it. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move to the sexual center, imagine a black flame burning in the area and breathe through it. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move to the root center, imagine a black flame burning in the area and breathe through it. Say: Lutis Nitra!
Move your awareness back to the now vacant top of the head and say, inviting: Hapocrat!
Move your awareness back to the now vacant Ajna and say, inviting: Maat!
Move your awareness back to the now vacant heart center and say, inviting: Horus!
Move your awareness back to the now vacant solar plexus and say, inviting: Osiris!
Move your awareness back to the now vacant sexual center and say, inviting: Isis!
Move your awareness back to the now vacant root center and say, inviting: Bes!
Now move your awareness back to your throat and perform the mantra in pranayama:
Inhale: IPSOS Pause: IPShOS Exhale: IPSOSh Pause: IPShOSh
Do six times the sequence while you tune in, pause, nine times while you take the astral shape of LAM (body and head), and then six more as you start shifting to the Khu.

Here takes place a formula that has been addressed in a different fashion at The Inner Gateways of Lam (Esoteric Pillars).
Of notice is: “It must be made clear, because it most often isn’t, that the face with the eyes and mouth and nose is an illusion. The oval head has a top circle, two lower circles below what seem to be eyebrows, two other circles below the seemingly human eyes, and two below what seems to be the mouth. These are the seven eyes of Lam. The trunk, below, forms yet an eight eye, the number of eyes in a spider. It should also be noticed that the head holds a stylized Egyptian Ankh, which is the Egyptian symbol of the Lotus, the sacred flower that erupts from the mud, transcends it, and survives it.”
And also: “Imagine that you are Lam and gazing through Lam’s illusory eyes. You will be looking at an alien world since objectivity will look very alien to you. Close then these eyes and start looking through the real eyes, eight in number, experimenting with one at a time until you can look through all of them simultaneously.”
Focus on your mental body and at the point above the head of this subtlest body. Imagine a myst there made of the infinite extension of the unknown. No breath is necessary here but mental focus. Say: Amun, the Obscure!
Move to the Ajna, see a green disc around your head made of the endless extension of all that is known. Say: Amunet, the invisible!
Move to the bindu (back of the neck), see a blue-green disc made of the absence of time. Say: Heh, the flood!
Move to the throat, see a disc of the color of the starless night sky made of time without end. Say: Hauhet, the endless!
Move to the heart, see a black disc made of nonbeing. Say: Kuk, the dark!
Move to the solar plexus, see a disc with the color of dusk made of pure being. Say: Kauket, the light bearer!
Move to the sexual center, see a dark violet disc made of the absence of space. Say: Nun, the Inert!
Move to the root center, see a disc made of starry night and infinite space. Say: Naunet, the abyss!
Now take the time to sense all three bodies, uniting them in your awareness. Move back to the Bindu, this time in all three bodies, and start making the sound of a bee vibrating “bzzzz”, as you turn into N’Aton (half of you is made of the collective and awakened consciousness of future humanity, including the ancestral dead in the past, all of the living, and our unborn descendents to come, and the other half of your Holy Guardian Angel). When you are finished, go move among the legions of the living.